Stars bear witness to your grace

The space window at the National Cathedral Washington

On Friday 1 November, I was able to visit the National Cathedral in Washington. The visit came at the end of a four-day conference which drew together bishops and scientists from all over the world in Virginia Theological Seminary. I serve as co-chair of the Anglican Communion Science Commission, which organised and led the consultation.

We had input from world class scientists and theologians – you can find a longer blog post describing the conference in detail here.

One of the speakers, Jennifer Wiseman, is a senior scientist at NASA. Jennifer referred to the Space Window, the only window in a Cathedral I know of which is dedicated to science and technology.

The window was dedicated 50 years ago, in 1974, five years after the first moon landing. The stained glass captures some of the wonder and majesty of the universe.

We believe as Christians all of that majesty and wonder came into being through Jesus Christ, the living Word of God. We believe that Almighty God, maker of the universe, became a human person in our Lord Jesus Christ. This is the meaning of Christmas.

The verse on the card is a new hymn intended for use at services of baptism and confirmation. Every year in the Diocese of Oxford we offer Come and See in Lent: a big, open invitation to explore Christian faith and to go deeper. Over 2,500 people took part last year in daily readings, small groups and in families.

The theme of Come and See in 2025 is Understanding Baptism, through the four great images of earth, water, wind and fire. These images are woven together in the different verses. I had the tune Blaenwern in mind when I wrote the hymn.

To discover more about Come and See and to sign up go to

The new hymn is below for those who haven’t seen the card. You’re very welcome to use it.

A very happy Christmas to you and yours.


All creation sings your glory
Stars bear witness to your grace
Who are we to sing your story?
Who are we to seek your face?
We are earth, bowed down and broken
We are dust, we fear the light
Deaf to every word you’ve spoken
Blind we seek the gift of sight

Lord of oceans’ mighty waters
Lord of tides and sun and moon
Who are we to be your daughters?
Who are we to be your sons?
Wash from us our sin and failure
Set us free from evil’s snare
Heal our wounds O loving Saviour
Tend us, mend us by your care

Holy Spirit, breathe upon us
Cause these bones to rise and live
Send your breath afresh to fill us
Make in us a home for love
We are called by God for glory
We are called to joy and peace
Made for love, to sing your story
Born of grace to share God’s feast

Father, Son and Holy Spirit
We baptise now in your name
Send the new fire we inherit
Set in us your living flame
Who are we? We are your children
Made from earth yet washed by grace
We are now your new creation
Formed to sing our maker’s praise

Steven Croft, 2024
Possible tune: Blaenwern