
A message for Easter 2024
For they did not yet understand (20.9) A very happy Easter to you and to your families. May you know the hope of the risen Christ in your homes and in your hearts. I love the gospel stories of the resurrection. One of the things I love…

A message for Lent
A sermon for the beginning of Lent, preached in St Mary’s Iffley and Keble College Chapel on 11th February. The readings for the day were 2 Kings 2.1-12; 2 Corinthians 4.3-6 and Mark 2.1-9.

Safeguarding Sunday service
Over 200 people came together in our cathedral church on Sunday 19 November to give thanks for the work of our Parish Safeguarding Officers and all those who serve with them, to pray for the safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults across the churches and chaplaincies of our diocese and to commit ourselves afresh to this ministry which we share.

Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God
Peace is far more than a truce: an absence of conflict, violence and war. Peace is the presence of human flourishing, of well being, of harmony, of lives well lived from childhood to old age. Shalom describes the world we long for; the world we pray for Sunday by Sunday; the world each of us is trying to build.

Think about all these things
A kingdom of healing and renewal in the natural world. A kingdom of justice as inequalities grow wider. A kingdom of peace in a world at war. A kingdom of welcome and a friend in need to the many who are in distress. Surely Charles is king for such a time as this.

Lift up your hearts!
Walk down any street and you will see many people shuffling along – often with their eyes glued to their devices afraid of missing anything yet actually missing everything.

Our calling to be ministers of hope, of faith, of love
Christ walks the earth among us, calling, calling, who will go for us and whom shall we send? At some point we have said ‘Speak, for we are listening. Here I am, send me’. And we have tumbled into the stream, and begun a journey of discovery.

Christmas Day 2022
There has been a famine of good news in 2022. How is it possible even to say Happy Christmas in the face of such a year? How do we hear the angel's message: 'Do not be afraid, for I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people'?

Rising to the challenge
The 2021 census was a significant moment. The Church cannot flourish with a thin, emaciated concept of what it means to tell the Good News. Only a Church which recovers the deep discipline of evangelism will flourish in the coming years.