
The darkest valley: a reflection on this week in Parliament

“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me” These words from Psalm 23 have been in my mind this week following the atrocities in Orlando and the terrible murder of Jo Cox yesterday. I’ve been…

Young minds matter

When was the last time you thought about mental health and young people? There is a major issue.  As many as 1 in 10 children and young people (aged 5-16) have a clinically diagnosable mental health problem.  The problems include depression,…

Let’s make sure we use our vote….

I hope you have appointments in your diary on Thursday 5th May and Thursday 23rd June.  There are opportunities to vote on both days and it’s vital to use them. On 5th May, people across South Yorkshire will vote in local elections and…

A Letter from Bishop Steven

Dear Friends, I write with some significant news and with a mix of emotions to the clergy and lay people of the Diocese of Sheffield. Downing Street has announced this morning that I have been nominated as the next Bishop of Oxford. …

Thank you!

I spent an hour or so yesterday signing around 200 certificates to be sent to churches across the Diocese of Sheffield to say thank you for the contributions to Common Fund, our shared Diocesan budget.  This is something I do every year. …

Breathe Deep 2016

Over three hundred young people aged 11-18 gathered together on a cold Saturday in January for our third annual Breathe Deep day. They came to St Thomas Philadelphia, with their leaders, from all across the Diocese.  Together we were exploring…

A Sheffield parable (and an inspiring true story)

Lent begins tomorrow.  It’s the time of year when Christians give something up – usually food - or else take something on for the sake of others.  Let me tell you a true story for the beginning of Lent about kindness and practical help. Sohail…

Inside Out – but incomplete

“Do you ever look at someone and wonder what’s going on inside their head?” Last summer Ann, my wife, took me to the cinema to see Inside Out, the new animated film from Pixar. You might have seen it.  If not it’s just out on DVD. Inside…

David Bowie, Lazarus and resurrection

Along with thousands of others around the world I was moved yesterday by the news of death of David Bowie.  My condolences and prayers go to his family and his close friends. As many others have said, his songs are part of the soundtrack…