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25 search results for: artificial intelligence


Data Ethics and Artificial Intelligence: an update

The ethical questions surrounding the use of AI and data are manifold and large. Sooner or later they all lead back to the question “what does it mean to be a fully human person in a flourishing society in the 21st Century…”


Existential risk in this and future decades

So great are the challenges we face, that this and any government will need deeper humility combined with greater practical wisdom to lead the nation forward. I focus my remarks on my own two areas of focus in this House: the climate and artificial intelligence – both areas of existential risk in this and future decades.


Rooted in God the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit

The future of humankind is not unlimited enhancement, mechanisation and automation says Bishop Steven in his presidential address to Diocesan Synod. Artificial Intelligence has great potential but also carries significant jeopardy. Christians need to engage in an informed way as this technology develops for the sake of present and future generations, remembering that we have a distinctive understanding of human dignity and person hood and what it means to be human.


The impact of technology on human flourishing

My Lords it’s a privilege to contribute to this debate. I congratulate the new ministers and express appreciation to Baroness Barron and to Baroness Jolly for her valedictory speech. There is much to commend in the gracious speech. A few weeks ago Pope Francis addressed the leaders of the G7 on the risks and opportunities […]


Lift up your hearts!

Walk down any street and you will see many people shuffling along – often with their eyes glued to their devices afraid of missing anything yet actually missing everything.