Talks and Addresses

Seek the welfare of the city…

“Seek the welfare of the city…” 18th July 2015 “Is not this the carpenter? Mark 6.2 Two weeks ago a heart of steel was unveiled in the centre of Rotherham, outside the Minster.  The new heart is the first deposit of a major new…

General Synod Debate : Climate Change

Combatting Climate Change: the Paris Summit and the Mission of the Church I am very grateful for this debate, for the work done by the Environmental Working Group and the lead given by Her Majesty’s Government that we heard about earlier.…

Courage in Ministry

The Bishop's charge to those about to be ordained deacon and priest 3rd July, 2015 Every year those to be ordained deacon and priest in the Diocese share in a retreat together immediately before the ordinations.  As part of the retreat,…

Developing Disciples in the City

Liverpool Cathedral hosts an Urban Lecture each year for clergy working in inner city or outer estate areas.  I was the guest lecturer in June and chose to speak on developing disciples in the city.  The lecture incorporates some recent reading…

Advising Mr Cameron: lessons from an ancient kingdom

The Prime Minister will not be short of advice as he appoints the Cabinet and prepares the Queen’s Speech.  There is a particular bible story about accepting and weighing advice that I would suggest it might be helpful for him to read and…

Leading God’s People

It’s not often I read a book and then go straight back to the beginning and start again. I have a small number of contemporary books on leadership which (I think) should be on every minister’s shelf.  Leading God’s People has gone straight…

Prayers in Rotherham

This evening between 500 and 600 Christians from across Rotherham gathered in the Minster in the heart of the town to pray together.  It was a remarkable gathering. Nine days ago an independent report was published.  The report revealed…

A new kind of conversation

Compassion, kindness, humility, meekness and patience A Presidential Address to Diocesan Synod 19th July, 2014 Dear Friends On Monday, as we have heard, the General Synod of the Church of England gave final approval to the Measure to…

I am the Bread of Life

I am the bread of life A sermon at the Eucharist for the Centenary of the Diocese of Sheffield 8th June, 2014 1 Peter 2.1-10 and John 6.27-40 On Monday, Bishop Peter and I had tea with eight people who were more than a hundred years old.  We…