The Anxious Generation Dozens of books are published every year now on the risks of technology and AI. I can only read a fraction and I have to confess I start more than I finish. But every so often I am gripped by a book I can’t put down and then want everyone to read. […]

Data Ethics and Artificial Intelligence: an update

The ethical questions surrounding the use of AI and data are manifold and large. Sooner or later they all lead back to the question "what does it mean to be a fully human person in a flourishing society in the 21st Century..."
Olivia Graham with Bishop Steven in the background

Olivia Graham

The Queen has approved the appointment of Olivia Graham as the next Bishop of Reading. In this special edition of the podcast, Bishop Steven talks with Olivia about her Christian formation, her ministry since ordination and her hopes for the role she is about to take on.

The Bishop of Oxford’s Charge 2019

On Saturday 29 June thirty candidates were ordained deacon at Christ Church Cathedral. The evening beforehand, Bishop Steven met with them to deliver the Bishop's Charge. "There is an important point in the ordinal where the Bishop speaks…

Let’s make social media kinder

Fifteen years ago, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube didn’t exist. Today, 67% of people in the UK are active users of at least one of them, and we now spend almost two hours each day on social media. Yet society is increasingly fearful of the…
Protestors with banners at a Youth strike for climate march in central London

Psalm 8: a reflection for the Mass Lobby of Parliament

I was in Westminster on 26 June with over 16,000 people. Thousands more were with us in spirit. We were meeting and marching and lobbying because the time is now to arrest the emission of greenhouse gases which are causing such lasting damage…

Protecting and representing the interests of future generations in policy making

The Bishop of Oxford, the Rt Revd Steven Croft, spoke in a debate in the House of Lords this afternoon about protecting and representing the interests of future generations in policy making. Bishop Steven spoke on climate chaos, the rise of…

Put out into deep water: Diocesan synod

We stand at a key moment in the life of our Diocese. For two years, we have been exploring God’s call to us and our common vision. What kind of Church are we called to be? A more Christ-like Church for the sake of God’s world: more contemplative,…

Put out into deep water: Miletus

Over four talks Bishop Steven explores God’s mission in Macedonia, in Greece and in the great city of Ephesus. In this final session, he sets out the sixth and seventh principles for deep water fishing. How might we become more like Christ…

The Time is Now

The Time is Now: The past, present and future of climate change   I’m taking time out on Wednesday 26th June to be in Westminster. On that day the Climate Coalition will draw together thousands of people from every corner of Britain.…