The Anxious Generation Dozens of books are published every year now on the risks of technology and AI. I can only read a fraction and I have to confess I start more than I finish. But every so often I am gripped by a book I can’t put down and then want everyone to read. […]

Put out into deep water: Ephesus

Over four talks Bishop Steven is exploring God’s mission in Macedonia, in Greece and in the great city of Ephesus. In session three he invites us to imagine the effects of early Christianity in Ephesus... 'it's as if Bicester Village and…

Put out into deep water: Greece

Over four talks Bishop Steven is exploring God’s mission in Macedonia, in Greece and in the great city of Ephesus. In session one we discovered the first two principles of deep water fishing: the Holy Spirit directs and inspires new movements…

The Bishop’s charge to church wardens

"Thank you so much to the Wardens elect, and to the outgoing churchwardens for the ministry you exercise week in and week out. " That was the opening line to Bishop Steven’s annual Charge to the churchwardens who tirelessly serve our parishes.…

Put out into deep water: Macedonia

All the way through the Acts of the Apostles the disciples are living out Luke 5. They continually put out into deep water, let down the nets and see what happens even in the most unlikely circumstances. +Steven traces part of that story over…

The crown of thorns

Father Jean Marc Fournier is chaplain to the Paris Fire Brigade. On Monday evening, Abbe Fournier led the successful attempt to rescue the precious objects from the burning Cathedral of Notre Dame. Among them was the crown of thorns, the…

The Wisdom of Puddleglum

Who is your favourite character from Narnia?  For those under 30, the Narnia chronicles are children’s books penned by CS Lewis, a kind of forerunner to Game of Thrones with much less blood and sex.  My favourite is Puddleglum the Marsh…

Dr Philip Salmon from Oxford’s Newman Meeting Place project

Dr Philip Salmon is a parliamentary historian by trade who is involved in a scheme to renew John Henry Newman's historic vision for St Mary and St Nicolas Church in Littlemore to provide a community space in one of Oxford's poorest communities. Bishop Steven visited the church to talk to Philip about the scheme.

Tony Wilson, Diocesan Director of Education

Tony Wilson became our new Diocesan Director of Education, leading a team that supports 283 Church of England Schools across the Thames Valley region, in January. As he approaches the end of his first term in his exciting new role, Tony chats to Bishop Steven about the challenges and opportunities in the education sector. 

Mary Gurr, Oxford Winter Night Shelter

The Oxford Winter Night Shelter is going from strength to strength providing warmth and a safe place to sleep for some of the city's growing numbers of rough sleepers during the coldest nights of the year. Bishop Steven spoke to the Revd Mary Gurr, Oxford's chaplain to the homeless, as volunteers were setting the shelter up for the night.