A person reading is slightly obscured by books in the foreground

Bishop Steven encourages clergy to ‘come away and rest’ during the summer months, making space for time off and honouring the Sabbath.

Think about all these things

A kingdom of healing and renewal in the natural world. A kingdom of justice as inequalities grow wider. A kingdom of peace in a world at war. A kingdom of welcome and a friend in need to the many who are in distress. Surely Charles is king for such a time as this.

Lift up your hearts!

Walk down any street and you will see many people shuffling along – often with their eyes glued to their devices afraid of missing anything yet actually missing everything.

Our calling to be ministers of hope, of faith, of love

Christ walks the earth among us, calling, calling, who will go for us and whom shall we send? At some point we have said ‘Speak, for we are listening. Here I am, send me’. And we have tumbled into the stream, and begun a journey of discovery.
A Let it Grow sign in a patch of tall grass

The fifth horseman

The Bishop of Oxford speaks on the need for the Church not just to conserve but to restore the natural world intentionally in the years ahead.

A letter to the Diocese of Oxford

My vision for the Diocese of Oxford is that we will be a diocese where all are affirmed and cherished, where same sex relationships can be celebrated and those who hold the traditional view are honoured and respected

David Tyler – Archdeacon of Dorchester

From an introduction to faith through close friends to becoming the next Archdeacon of Dorchester, David Tyler shares the passions and challenges of ministry and how looking to the fantastic people around him and the gifts they bring sees him through.
Young girl resting face on her hand and looking at a mobile phone which is lighting up her face.

Online harms and disinformation

The Bishop of Oxford, raises concern about online harms, powers, and disinformation in the second reading of the Online Harms Bill in the House of Lords.
Bishop Steven addressing Area Deans and Lay Chairs. January 2023

Seven disciplines; eight qualities

As energy returns to our churches and the process of spiritual renewal continues, we must rebalance our common life towards seven disciplines of evangelism. But it is even more vital that we remain centred ourselves on the eight beautiful qualities; the Beatitudes, the best description there has ever been of what it means to be human and the most profound portrait of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Christmas Day 2022

There has been a famine of good news in 2022. How is it possible even to say Happy Christmas in the face of such a year? How do we hear the angel's message: 'Do not be afraid, for I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people'?