A person reading is slightly obscured by books in the foreground

Bishop Steven encourages clergy to ‘come away and rest’ during the summer months, making space for time off and honouring the Sabbath.

Archbishop Justin stands on a stage infront of large audience, a large photo of an oil refinery is shown on a screen.

Science and Faith and the Lambeth Conference

Bishop Steven shares an overview of the key thread of Science and Faith at the Lambeth Conference held in Canterbury from 26th July to 7th August.

The earth is the Lord’s

Bishop Steven's address to Diocesan Synod in June 2022, calling on every household to respond to the climate crisis.

Wisdom and Humility

The Queen has founded her life of service on humility and on wisdom. Long may she reign. God save the Queen.

AI in the UK: No room for complacency

The Bishop of Oxford spoke in the debate on the Scrutiny Committee Report in the House of Lords on 25 Mary 2022.

The responsibility of all

The Bishop of Oxford spoke in a Second Reading of the Schools Bill in the House of Lords on Monday 23 May. Read the full text of his speech or watch on Bishop Steven’s Facebook page.

Levelling up

A debate on 11 May 2022 on the Queen's Speech following the State Opening of Parliament considering the upcoming Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill.
Video still - Bishop Steven in his study looking into camera

Leadership at a time of chaos

We've experienced a massive disruption to the world and the life of the Church. Bishop Steven offers a reflection on leadership in chaos.

Easter message

The Church needs to take hold to and proclaim the life shaping, earth shaking, glorious, world changing message of Easter. Jesus Christ is risen. Death could not hold him. God raised him from the tomb.

Forgive us our sins

Part of the mystery of being human is that we make mistakes - that the darkness in the universe flows through us all. In hard times, and those times when we're finding our way, the Lord's Prayer is a source of strength and courage – a reminder to bring our whole selves to God, good bits and bad.