A person reading is slightly obscured by books in the foreground

Bishop Steven encourages clergy to ‘come away and rest’ during the summer months, making space for time off and honouring the Sabbath.

Give us today our daily bread

We are bombarded 24/7 by adverts with just one aim - to make us unhappy with what we have. Our relationship with stuff has gone badly wrong, and our greed is destroying this fragile planet.

A world-shaking event

Bishop Steven's address to Diocesan Synod in March 2022, focusing on the atrocities in Ukraine and our call to be a more Christ-like Church.

Your kingdom come, Your will be done, On earth as in heaven

Every day the news reminds us of the threads of evil in the world. But the difficult things in life are not the end of the story.

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name

Your life is not some kind of cosmic accident. You do have a place in this world. The first line of the Lord’s Prayer can help you find it.

Sermon from Christ Church

Sermon from Christ Church Cathedral Oxford, preached by the Rt Revd Dr Steven Croft, Bishop of Oxford, at Holy Communion on 6 February 2022.
A compass is held up in front of mountains

Navigating well

Bishop Steven reflects on our calling to show the world love and hope even in the midst of sorrow and sickness and looks ahead to the invitation to come and see more of faith this Lent.

Freedom of Speech

Words can be an immense blessing but, when amplified through social media, also weapons of mass destruction to people and societies.


As we look forward in anticipation this Advent, the words of 1 Peter set us on the path of living as best we can in these in-between times.


Bishop Steven is joined on his podcast this week by the Rt Revd Mary D. Glasspool, Assistant Bishop in the Episcopal Diocese of New York.