House of Lords

Freedom of Speech

Words can be an immense blessing but, when amplified through social media, also weapons of mass destruction to people and societies.

The Age Assurance (Minimum Standards) Bill

Future generations will look back on the past two decades of this century with deep pain as they reflect on the ways in which children are exposed to harmful material online and our tardiness in setting effective regulation in place.

Supporting young people in the post-pandemic world

With 63% of payroll jobs lost during the pandemic being held by under-25s, young people must have access to adequate training going forward.

Standing at a Crossroads – Safeguarding the Environment

As the Environment Bill is read in the House of Lords, Bishop Steven urges the government to set an example on climate change policy.

The Online Safety Bill

The Online Safety bill is a major step forward in preventing harm to children and vulnerable adults. But legislation is needed urgently.

Five key questions for public policy on AI

The ethical complexity of new technologies can seem overwhelming. The Bishop of Oxford offers five key questions for keeping ethics at the centre of AI strategy.

Loving our neighbours online

Bishop Steven urges the government to consider implementing a Code of Practice for both Hate Crime and wider legal harms.

Intergenerational Fairness and Provision Committee report

The Rt Revd Steven Croft's speech in the House of Lords on Tackling Intergenerational Unfairness, from 25 January.

Stewards of creation

The Bishop of Oxford, the Rt Revd Steven Croft, spoke in the House of Lords during today's Lords debate on the technological and lifestyle efforts to address climate change, and to meet the 2050 net-zero carbon emissions target My Lords,…