

Many years ago, as a Vicar I met a man who had not spoken to his father for seven years. The quarrel had begun over something small.  But neither would apologise and make the first move.  Both were hurting.  The man’s two young daughters had no contact with their grandparents.

This was my first example of a deep family feud.  Sadly I’ve seen many more since then.  Sometimes they start because of an incident everyone remembers.  More often, people drift into not having any contact with close family.  Indifference leads to neglect which leads to division.  If we do not deliberately tend our relationships, they will fragment.  This is true of marriages and partnerships, of adult children and their parents, of siblings separated by distance, of friendship.

The same truth applies to relationships between communities.  I’ve been part of a group in Parliament looking at how to build a more cohesive society.  We’ve been trying to take the debate about immigration to a much deeper level than the slogans of the referendum campaign a year ago.  One of the most important factors in building a united city or town is having a plan.  Left to themselves, communities grow apart or fragment.  We need to be intentional about building a single society.  The task needs to be owned by central and local government, by civil society and by individuals.  It’s too important for the future to be left to chance.

And what is true between communities is true of nations.  We live in an age where powerful forces seem to be pushing countries further apart. Britain is now redefining its relationship with Europe.  The United Kingdom is under new pressures to fragment.  The global situation is tense.

Today is Good Friday.  This is the day when Christians reflect on reconciliation: working against this power to divide by drawing people and communities back together.  The Christian faith takes very seriously the truth that left to themselves, relationships fragment.

Christians believe that Jesus Christ, God’s Son, offered his life on the cross to make peace. The cross makes possible a new peace between humanity and God so that people can find forgiveness, begin again and know God’s love for themselves.  But the cross also makes possible peace between people so that families and communities and nations can be reconciled and made one.

Reconciliation is a profound gift.  That is why the cross is placed at the centre of Christian life and worship.  Many Christians wear a simple cross or carry one in their pocket.  You will find crosses on display in every church, reminding those who come to pray that peace and reconciliation are the heart of our life together.  Many of our church buildings are built in the shape of a cross when seen from above.

That is why on Good Friday, Christians everywhere will take time to reflect and remember the events of that Friday long ago when Christ was crucified in hymns and prayers and silence, in private and in church services.  Sunday is Easter Day and we will celebrate the profound truth at the heart of our faith that God raised Jesus from the dead so that all can have life in his name.  But first, today, we pause and remember this one, special act of love at the heart of our faith.

Jesus taught his disciples a prayer which has reconciliation at it’s very centre.  He teaches us to pray: “Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us”.  We are reconciled to God.  But we are then called to be reconciled to others by taking the initiative and making the first move.  That can be very hard indeed.

I met the man who had not spoken to his father because he was preparing to be baptised as an adult.  He had recently become a Christian.  Now he was realising what his new faith would mean.  It meant he could not simply go on as before and be estranged.  He had to make the first move.  He did and there was a deep reconciliation in that family across three generations.

Good families, good communities and good international relationships do not happen by accident.  They happen because people invest in them and work at reconciliation.

For Christians, Good Friday is a powerful reminder of what we believe God has done in Jesus Christ for us and for the whole world.  Take time this week to ponder the reality of fragmentation and the wonder that is peace.


Bishop Steven is the Bishop of Oxford




The Lamb of God: A journey through St John’s story of the passion

Our journey to the cross begins with the betrayal and arrest of Jesus. While the other three gospels focus on Jesus’ agony and inner turmoil, John instead focuses our attention elsewhere – on the real reason Jesus is drawn to the cross.

  • Hymn: There is a Green Hill Far Away, recorded and performed at home by Tom and Mandy Green for this podcast.
  • Reading: John 18.1-14 by Julia Hollander. (NRSV)
  • Commentary by Bishop Steven.
  • A minute of silence follows +Steven’s commentary for personal reflection.
  • Taizé: Kyrie, kyrie, eleison.

This episode was produced by the Revd Charlotte Bannister-Parker in collaboration with Steven Buckley and Phil Hind. Music performed under CCLI 535160 and Limited Online Music License LE-0018115. Licenses registered to the Oxford Diocesan Board of Finance. Album artwork ‘Jerusalem’, Charlotte Bannister-Parker.

Image Credit: Shutterstock (1392667502)

The Lamb of God: A journey through St John’s story of the passion

We see both darkness and light around us in this pandemic – the darkness of human isolation and suffering; the light of love as people reach out to one another. The story of Jesus’ passion takes place in the cold darkness of night, but John tells us that light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it.

  • Reading John 18.15-27 by Julia Hollander. (NRSV).
  • Commentary by Bishop Steven.
  • A minute of silence follows +Steven’s commentary for personal reflection.
  • Taizé: Kyrie, kyrie, eleison.

This episode was produced by the Revd Charlotte Bannister-Parker in collaboration with Steven Buckley and Phil Hind. Music performed under CCLI 535160 and Limited Online Music License LE-0018115. Licenses registered to the Oxford Diocesan Board of Finance.

Image credit: Shutterstock (378764134)


The Lamb of God: A journey through St John’s story of the passion

The Evangelists invite us to place ourselves in the story through the characters who come and go. Like them, we are both powerful and powerless before this story of the cross.

  • Reading John 18.28-40 by Julia Hollander. (NRSV)
  • Commentary by Bishop Steven.
  • A minute of silence follows +Steven’s commentary for personal reflection.
  • Taizé: Kyrie, kyrie, eleison.
  • Hymn: Amazing Love. What sacrifice, recorded and performed at home by Tom and Mandy Green for this podcast.

This episode was produced by the Revd Charlotte Bannister-Parker in collaboration with Steven Buckley and Phil Hind. Music performed under CCLI 535160 and Limited Online Music License LE-0018115. Licenses registered to the Oxford Diocesan Board of Finance.

Image credit: Shutterstock (259696796)

Jesus wearing crown of thorns

The Lamb of God: A journey through St John’s story of the passion

As Jesus rides into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, he is making a profound statement of who he claims to be. But in all that follows, Jesus takes this claim to kingship and power and to being God’s Son and God’s Messiah and turns it inside out.

  • Reading: John 19.1-16 by Julia Hollander. (NRSV)
  • Commentary by Bishop Steven.
  • A minute of silence follows +Steven’s commentary for personal reflection.
  • Taizé: Kyrie, kyrie, eleison.

This episode was produced by the Revd Charlotte Bannister-Parker in collaboration with Steven Buckley and Phil Hind. Music performed under CCLI 535160 and Limited Online Music License LE-0018115. Licenses registered to the Oxford Diocesan Board of Finance.

Image credit: Shutterstock (671434105)

Crucifixion and sunlight

The Lamb of God: A journey through St John’s story of the passion

As we come to the centre of the story, we travel with Jesus to the cross. No-one takes Jesus’ life. He gives it. What has he done? What has been completed?

  • Reading: John 19.17-37 by Julia Hollander. (NRSV)
  • Commentary by Bishop Steven.
  • A minute of silence follows +Steven’s commentary for personal reflection.
  • Hymn: When I survey the wondrous cross, recorded and performed at home by Tom and Mandy Green for this podcast.

This episode was produced by the Revd Charlotte Bannister-Parker in collaboration with Steven Buckley and Phil Hind. Music performed under CCLI 535160 and Limited Online Music License LE-0018115. Licenses registered to the Oxford Diocesan Board of Finance.

Image credit: Shutterstock (718434559)

Relief carving of Jesus

The Lamb of God: A journey through St John’s story of the passion

We end these reflections with much to think about, but hopefully with anticipation: not cast down by the solemn events we have rehearsed but deepened by them. The story is told but is not yet complete.

  • Reading John 19.38-24 by Julia Hollander. (NRSV).
  • Commentary by Bishop Steven.
  • A minute of silence follows for personal reflection.
  • Intercessions followed by The Lord’s Prayer Led by Paul Cowan.
  • Closing message from Bishop Steven.

This episode was produced by the Revd Charlotte Bannister-Parker in collaboration with Steven Buckley and Phil Hind. Music performed under CCLI 535160 and Limited Online Music License LE-0018115. Licenses registered to the Oxford Diocesan Board of Finance.

Image credit: Shutterstock (203336479)