Will you come and follow me?

Welcome to Episode 6 of this podcast series, Comfortable Words. We’re exploring part of the Book of Isaiah: chapters 40-55, the songs of an unnamed prophet who sings at the end of the exile to call God’s people home.

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you

The experience of death for human beings is universal. We will, all of us, pass through this river. There is no way around it. So what elements are important in preparing the dying for their death, and why is that a key part of the ministry of a priest? The Bishop of Oxford offers five themes to reflect on in our preparation for death and for dying.

Servant leadership

As Christians we are called to a life of service together, to love and support one another in all the joys and sorrows of our lives. But where does that idea come from?

Those who wait for the Lord will renew their strength

In times of crisis and difficulty, it is not enough to numb ourselves. The pain around us overwhelms our defences. Something much deeper is needed.

Comfort, O comfort my people

Series 5 of the popular podcast by Bishop Steven Croft takes its title from the opening verses of Isaiah 40-55. This series is intended to help the church find its voice again in the midst of the pandemic.

Humility and gentleness

A Presidential Address to the Oxford Diocesan Synod, September 2020 It’s very good to regather virtually after the summer and to begin what I guess will be a season of regathering in a thousand different places as we begin to rebuild together…

Rule of life

https://vimeo.com/450174772 I hope and trust you’ve had a break in August and that you are coming back refreshed to school or work or ministry – whatever your calling may be. Today’s readings seem really appropriate as we begin a…

Nothing but five loaves and two fish

What’s your favourite story in the gospels? It’s a question I like to ask when I visit churches for informal meetings. Time and again, over the years, the story that comes to the top of the list is today’s bible reading: the feeding of…